Hellooooo, Orrin Hatch and Republicans are lying to youuuuuuuuuu
Hunter at dKos reminds of Kevin Drum's pointing out how hypocritical it is of the Republicans to piss & moan over Democratic "obstruction" by reminding us how blatant the rule changes... and reversals... have been from Orrin "Jackass" Hatch. Here's reversal 1 of 4, visit Kos or Washington Monthly for the rest of the hypocrisy:
I must confess that I added the "Jackass" above. As far as I know, no one has ever nicknamed Orrin Hatch "Jackass", but it seems fitting to name-call when our Democratic senators are being called "obstructionists".
Besides, I feel no sense of Hypocrisy when I call Hatch a Jackass. But, I know his innards must twitch all aflutter with the guilt of hypocrisy whenever he and his co-conspirators continue to attempt their coup d'etat of our courts system.
This one goes in the del.icio.us bomb, I think.
I'm not liberal, I'm just paying attention
Originally, after Republicans gained control of the Senate in the 1994 elections and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch assumed control of the Judiciary Committee, the rule regarding judicial nominees was this: If a single senator from a nominee's home state objected to (or "blue-slipped") a nomination, it was dead. This rule made it easy for Republicans to obstruct Clinton's nominees.
I must confess that I added the "Jackass" above. As far as I know, no one has ever nicknamed Orrin Hatch "Jackass", but it seems fitting to name-call when our Democratic senators are being called "obstructionists".
Besides, I feel no sense of Hypocrisy when I call Hatch a Jackass. But, I know his innards must twitch all aflutter with the guilt of hypocrisy whenever he and his co-conspirators continue to attempt their coup d'etat of our courts system.
This one goes in the del.icio.us bomb, I think.
I'm not liberal, I'm just paying attention
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